Beautiful Labels for your Product Labels

Whether you have a Tea Shop or package and sell Wholesale,  Pacific Barcode has a number of solutions for you.

According to the Institute for Color Research, their study reveals that people make a subconscious judgment about a product within 90 seconds of initial viewing and between 62% and 90% of that assessment is based on color alone.

You’ve spent time and money developing a great product, designing your artwork and the printing of your labels should be top-notch. When you purchase a label printer from Pacific Barcode, you have complete creative control!
Tea Label Printers, Labels, Ink, Software, and Support…you’ll be printing your labels in minutes!

  • Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world next to water!
    Tea can be found in almost 80 percent of all U.S. households. In 2016, Americans consumed almost 84 billion servings of tea or more than 3.8 billion gallons. Approximately four out of five consumers drink tea, with millennials being the most likely (87% of millennials drink tea). **
  • Purchases continue to shift toward natural and specialty/wellness teas
    Natural tea sales are up more than 6 percent and specialty/wellness tea sales are up more than 3 percent. Because consumers are embracing its health benefits and variety of offerings, hot tea sales have increased more than 15 percent over the last five years. **
  • Wellness teas, loose green & white teas are bright spots within bagged & boxed teas
    Wellness tea sales are up more than 5.8 percent while loose green & white tea sales are up more than 33.3 percent in the bagged & boxed tea categories. *
  • Sales are strongest in the natural channels
    Overall tea sales are up more than 3.2 percent in the natural channel, which includes retailers that carry predominantly natural and organic products. *
  • Tea is rapidly emerging in new categories
    Foodservice, refrigerated teas and high-end specialty teas continue to grow at 7 – 10 percent per annum. In 2016 the canned/bottled RTD tea segment comprised just under 50 percent of the market share and is expected to continue to grow an estimated 30-35% over the next five years. **

This is a highly competitive market where your labels have to indicate a quality product. Makeshift labels don’t enhance and feature your brand. With the large number of choices that the consumer has, your product and your label need to be head and shoulders above the competition.

Whatever your budget, whatever your production requirements, Pacific Barcode has the solution and the expertise to make your label printing easy and affordable.

Pacific Barcode is a proud sponsor of the 2020 World Tea Expo